
Wednesday 30 May 2018

I Wonder... Prt 2

I wonder what the smallest country in the world?

Based on landmass, Vatican City is the smallest country in the world, just 0.2 square miles, almost a hundred times smaller than Manhattan City. Situated on the Western bank of the Tiber River. Vatican City's 2-mile border is landlocked by Italy .Image result for vatican city

Wednesday 23 May 2018

I Wonder...Prt 1

Image result for Native Americans LacrosseRelated image

I wonder what was the first game played in USA?
The first American sport is is lacrosse. Lacrosse was first played by early Native Americans. The French watched the Native Americans play the game and taught it to settler's in Canada. The Canadians changed the games in a few days and started playing it with their own rules that they made up. Many people like to play lacrosse because because you don't have to strong to play. But you do need to be able top run fast, stop quickly, and twist and turn with the movement of the ball. Native Americans played lacrosse for a lot of reasons. In some tribes, disputes between two families could be resolved by sending them onto the field to play lacrosse. Some tribes believed that playing the game had magical powers. Many believed that playing the game could cure the sick and bring them back to health. Still others believed that playing lacrosse would help turn young boys into strong, healthy men.

Friday 18 May 2018

Musical Experience on Stage.

Musical Experience On Stage

What have I learnt? 
I have learnt that we need costumes when performing a Musical so that it can attract the audience.

How does this work show my learning?  

What did i find Challenging?
Learning some of the actions to the song and singing it at the same time.

What would i do differently if i did this again?
Learn the lyrics to the song if i have free time, and try put more effort into learning the actions.

What did I enjoy?
I enjoyed rehearsal time because it was fun to learn some new moves and performing musicals.

What am I wondering?
Im wodering if why don't we just create our own musical and perform it.

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Reading 3

Today I read  about some random facts.
What is the purpose of this text? The purpose of fact slides I think is to give information and entertain with a variety of topics to choose from. I think the target audience is year 7 and up. 
Why are you reading it?
because it is interesting to read about facts and you learn new things.

Thursday 10 May 2018

Reading 2

For today's reading I went onto slide Fact Slides again and read more facts about health one of the facts that i found was that You can burn 20% more fat by exercising in the morning on an empty stomach. The purpose of facts slides I think is to give out information and entertain a variety if topics to choose from.
I think the target audience is 7 and up.

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Reading 1

Today in English i went onto fact slides and read some fun facts and I learnt that 111111111 x 111111111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321. The purpose of facts slides I think is to give out information and entertain a variety of topics to choose from. I think the target audience is year 7 and up.