
Friday 7 December 2018

Who invented Telephones

Alexander Graham Bell was a Scottish-born scientist, inventor, engineer, and innovator who is credited with inventing and patenting the first practical telephone. He also founded the American Telephone and Telegraph Company in 1885.

Born: 13 March 1847, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
Died: 2 August 1922, Beinn Bhreagh.
Cause of Death: Complications of Diabetes.
Inventions: Telephones, Photophones, Hydrofoil, Audiometer, Metal Detectors, HD-4, Tetrahedak kite.
Image result for Alexander Graham Bell

Antonio Santi Giuseppe was an Italian inventor and an associate of Giuseppe Garibaldi. Meucci is best known for developing the first telephone. Meucci set up a form of a voice-communication link in his Staten Island, New York, home that connected the second-floor bedroom to his laboratory.

Born: 13 April 1808, Florence, Italy.
Died: 18 October 1889, Staten Island, New York City, United States.
Image result for Antonio Meucci


People can live almost anywhere on earth, however, one place in which almost no one lives, is Antarctica. Antarctica is the largest wilderness on the planet. It is one of the highest, coldest, and windiest places you could imagine. Antarctica is one of the seven continents of the world. It is larger than Australia and Europe.

Antarctica has mountains and valleys like other continents. However, a thick sheet of ice covers almost all of Antarctica. Even on the warmest days, the temperature is freezing. The freezing temperatures are just one part of what makes Antarctica uninhabitable. Winds of more than 200 kilometres per hour rage down the polar slopes driving snow blizzards. Except in a few remote valleys where rain and snow have not fallen for over two million years. There is no soil to grow crops. Even below the ice cap which is 4000 metres thick in places.

On the coast, animals live by spending most of their lives in the water, which is warmer than the land. And on the land itself, only bacteria, tiny insects, and microscopic organisms are able to survive.

Penguins are flightless birds that are highly adapted for the marine environment. They are excellent swimmers and can dive to great depths (Emperor penguins can dive to over 500 metres). Their shape enables extreme agility underwater; the feet and tail act as a rudder while the flippers act as propellers. They also have a waterproof coat of short, overlapping feathers and a well-developed layer of fat insulation.

Wednesday 21 November 2018

Who named the days of the week

The Greeks named the days week after the sun, the moon and the five known planets, which were in turn named after the Gods Ares, Hermes, Zeus, Aphrodite, and Cronus. The Greeks called they days of the week the Theon Hemerai "Days of the God".


Sunday - Sun's Day
Monday - Moon's Day
Tuesday - Tiu's Day
Wednesdays - Wooden's Day
Thursday - Thor's Day
Friday - Freya's Day
Saturday - Saturns Day

Wednesday 14 November 2018

How many types of dog breeds are there in the World.

Now there are 340 breeds recognized by the Federation Cynologoquie international(FCI), the world governing body of dog breeds, sometimes known as the World Canine Organization. But the standards of breed recognition vary from country to country - the American Kennel Club currently recognizes only 167 breeds. 

Wednesday 7 November 2018

What colour is the sun?

However, the Sun is essentially all colors mixed together, which appear to our eyes as white. This is easy to see in pictures taken from space. Rainbows are light from the Sun, separated into its colors. Each color in the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, blue, violet) has a different wavelength. When we see the Sun at sunrise or sunset, when it is low in the sky, it may appear yellow, orange, or red. But that is because of only its only short wavelength colors ( green, blue, violet ) are scattered out by Earth's atmosphere, much like small waves are dispersed by big rocks along the shore. Hence the only reds, yellows, and oranges get through the thick atmosphere to our eyes.

Tuesday 4 September 2018

The Monkey & The Turtle

In English I made a diorama out of clay. It was about The Monkey & The Turtle, In the the photo displayed, it shows The monkey climbing the banana tree that the turtle planted so he could have it all to himself instead sharing it with the turtle, but the monkey couldn't climb is tree because  it didn't grow out. The story is about a turtle who was walking through the jungle looking for food until he bumped into the monkey and the monkey was also hungry too so the turtle told him to follow him so they could go and look for banana trees and plant them so when the bananas are ripe they could eat them. But the monkeys tree didn't grow out so he tricked the monkey into climbing the tree for turtle so they could share the banana but instead he had all the bananas to himself and threw down the unripe ones down to the turtle.

Wednesday 15 August 2018

Why do we blink?

Image result for blinking

The reason why we blink is because every time we Blink, your eyelids spreads cocktail of oils and mucous secretions across of the eye to keep to keep your globes from drying out. Blinking, also keep eyes safe from potentially damaging stimuli, such as bright lights and foreign and bodies like dust. 

Monday 13 August 2018

Mindful & Body Cues

LO:1 Identify what mindfulness towards others is and demonstrate this.LO:2 Understand how our body gives us clues when experienced different emotions.

Being resilient can help with dealing change by putting up with your surroundings so you don't go off the rails. So for example, if your friend is is getting mad due to puberty then it's good if you understand how they feel and changing.

Some important thing to remember when being mindful with others is understanding how they feel, knowing that people aren't always themselves during puberty, and how things affect others. 


Being fully present i.e. paying full attention- look and listen (two of the senses).Noticing both verbal and nonverbal messages, showing genuine interest.Being non-judgemental.Being receptive (being open to other (ideas/ views).Trying to connect and be fully engaged. When your happy you tend to be a lot more jumpy or talkative. Although it also appears to happen when your worried in a certain way. When your worried you become stressed and jumpy as well because you can’t stop thinking about something that concerns you and so you do things like for example sometimes create scenarios in your head that you talk to someone about. When your angry you can be loud, rude, slumped against a table with your head resting on your hand. You become more slump to try relax and calm down a bit. Posture is a big thing when it comes to recognising body cues. When your sad you tend to be in a slump posture and quiet. It's generally hard to focus on work when you have something on your mind that's bothering you so you can get hints that they’re not feeling great when not much work is getting done.

Image result for angry stickman
B. This is an example of a angry person, the have a closed fist, a angry face and his grinding his together.

Tuesday 7 August 2018

Social Studies: MARAMATAKA

My research was about the "Maramataka". 
In the traditional Maori Maramataka, the new year begins with the first new moon following the appearance of Matariki on the eastern horizon. Usually this takes place in the period June-July.

2 things I found interesting?

2 things I found interesting that the Maramataka were brought to New Zealand by Pacific Islanders form Hawaiki & "Maramataka" which means "The moon turning".

2 things you thought you did well? 

2 things I thought I did well was writing down some information about my research and finding a lot of interesting things as I was doing my research.

Something you want to do differently next time.

I don't really know what to do yet.

Wednesday 27 June 2018

I wonder prt 4

I wonder...

I wonder who first created netball:
In 1891 Dr James Naismith, a Canadian immigrant YMCA instructor in the USA, invented the game of basketball. Another American, Dr Toles, who was visiting England in 1895, introduced basketball to that country, and although Englishmen preferred traditional sports, it was popular with the ladies.

In England in 1895, ladies using broomsticks for posts and wet paper bags for baskets played the played the basketball games on grass. Their long skirts, bustle backs, nipped waists and button up shoes impeded running and their leg-of-mutton sleeves restricted arm movement making dribbling and long passes difficult. The ladies decided to adapt the game to accommodate these restrictions.    
In 1898 the court was divided into thirds, the number of players increased from five to nine and a smaller ball (a soccer ball) was used. There were two umpires, two scorers and two timekeepers – almost as many officials as players for each match.

In those early days the nets were not open at both ends and after each goal was scored, the umpire had the task of retrieving the ball from the top of the post.

In England in 1901 the first set of rules was published and ‘netball’ officially came into existence in that country. At the turn of the century school teachers from England travelled to many countries of the then British Empire, and the game of netball or “ladies basketball” (if prior to 1901) went with them.

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Candle Holder & Match Holder


In Technology recently, we have been creating a Candle Holder & Match Holder. The candle holder took about 2-3 weeks to finish. It was really fun and enjoying making this candle holder it was hard at first especially planing it because if you don't hold it right it wouldn't be leveled. It's a really interesting thing to make and it's also useful.

  • Sand Paper
  • Wood
  • File
  • Wood Glue
  • Hand Drill
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • Plane 
Image result for wood candle holder

Wednesday 6 June 2018

I Wonder...Prt 3

Why do we need eyelashes?

There are many particles in the air, like dust and sand, which can get into your eyes and harm them. ... Your eyelashes help to tell your eyelids when they need to shut to protect the eyes. Along with your eyebrows and forehead, your eyelashes also help to shield your eyes from the bright light of the sun.

Image result for eyelashes

Wednesday 30 May 2018

I Wonder... Prt 2

I wonder what the smallest country in the world?

Based on landmass, Vatican City is the smallest country in the world, just 0.2 square miles, almost a hundred times smaller than Manhattan City. Situated on the Western bank of the Tiber River. Vatican City's 2-mile border is landlocked by Italy .Image result for vatican city

Wednesday 23 May 2018

I Wonder...Prt 1

Image result for Native Americans LacrosseRelated image

I wonder what was the first game played in USA?
The first American sport is is lacrosse. Lacrosse was first played by early Native Americans. The French watched the Native Americans play the game and taught it to settler's in Canada. The Canadians changed the games in a few days and started playing it with their own rules that they made up. Many people like to play lacrosse because because you don't have to strong to play. But you do need to be able top run fast, stop quickly, and twist and turn with the movement of the ball. Native Americans played lacrosse for a lot of reasons. In some tribes, disputes between two families could be resolved by sending them onto the field to play lacrosse. Some tribes believed that playing the game had magical powers. Many believed that playing the game could cure the sick and bring them back to health. Still others believed that playing lacrosse would help turn young boys into strong, healthy men.

Friday 18 May 2018

Musical Experience on Stage.

Musical Experience On Stage

What have I learnt? 
I have learnt that we need costumes when performing a Musical so that it can attract the audience.

How does this work show my learning?  

What did i find Challenging?
Learning some of the actions to the song and singing it at the same time.

What would i do differently if i did this again?
Learn the lyrics to the song if i have free time, and try put more effort into learning the actions.

What did I enjoy?
I enjoyed rehearsal time because it was fun to learn some new moves and performing musicals.

What am I wondering?
Im wodering if why don't we just create our own musical and perform it.

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Reading 3

Today I read  about some random facts.
What is the purpose of this text? The purpose of fact slides I think is to give information and entertain with a variety of topics to choose from. I think the target audience is year 7 and up. 
Why are you reading it?
because it is interesting to read about facts and you learn new things.

Thursday 10 May 2018

Reading 2

For today's reading I went onto slide Fact Slides again and read more facts about health one of the facts that i found was that You can burn 20% more fat by exercising in the morning on an empty stomach. The purpose of facts slides I think is to give out information and entertain a variety if topics to choose from.
I think the target audience is 7 and up.

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Reading 1

Today in English i went onto fact slides and read some fun facts and I learnt that 111111111 x 111111111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321. The purpose of facts slides I think is to give out information and entertain a variety of topics to choose from. I think the target audience is year 7 and up.