
Friday 29 November 2019

Why was the treaty needed?

Why Was A Treaty Needed In New Zealand?

Historians argue that understanding the causes of significant events is much more important than just remembering dates, facts, and figures about things in the past. The Treaty is an agreement between the Maori and the British people signed in 1840. The Treaty of Waitangi was needed because the British people were being lawless so they needed rules and laws to follow. 

There was lawless behavior when Whaler's arrived in New Zealand. Without the treaty Whaler's would be disrespectful and lawless. However, after the Treaty was created and signed, their behavior has been reduced due to laws and agreements that have been decided between Maori and Europeans. For example, Prostitution, Serious drinking, and Fighting. These type of behaviors occurs due to serious drinking when the Europeans arrived. Right after the laws and agreement are been decided between Maori and Europeans, it helped Maoris and Europeans reduce lawless behavior.

The missionaries were trying to protect the Maori and their rights. The missionaries influenced the Maori to sign the Treaty. For example, buying land for the Maori people, helping Maori to read and write and Farming. The missionaries encouraged the Maori to sign the treaty because this was the best way to help protect Maori and their rights.

The introduction of muskets to New Zealand caused a series of wars, known today as the Musket Wars. Maori traded foods with the Pakeha for muskets. Maori used muskets to fight other Maori tribes for Land or Revenge. The musket wars killed over 20,000 people during the war. This helped the Maori people protect their tribes, lands, and revenge. When all Maori tribes got access to the muskets it had a military balance between all Maori tribes. The Musket Wars increased violence and death because there were no laws around the ownership/trading of muskets. A Treaty prevents this and provides stability.

Was there anything in place before the treaty?
The Declaration of Independence was in place before the Treaty of Waitangi. 34 Northland chiefs (Rangitiratanga) made a deal. The effect of no meeting is important because there were no laws created to protect Maori as had been agreed in the Declaration, There was no intent for a congress of chiefs to meet annually under the Declaration and frame laws but this did not happen. The Declaration bought Maori together as before this there was no national Maori identity. The Treaty of Waitangi was needed to create laws and protect the Maoris.

Tuesday 29 October 2019

Sigurd the dragon slayer

1. The word "bade" in Paragraph 1, in the past tense of the verb 'to bid', which means to:
A. Ask or command someone to do something.

2. Who or what was a Fafnir?
C. A Dragon

3. You can conclude that Sigurd's horse had special qualities because?
A. It was blessed by the god, Odin.

4. Regin wanted Sigurd to kill the dragon so that Regin could get:
B. Get its treasure.

5. The story of Sigurd might not have ended so sadly if he had not
C. Been tricked by the witch

6. This legend could be best described as a:
A. Tragedy

7. Gram was the name of Sigurd's:
C. Sword

8. What caused Sigurd's sword to be so strong?
B. It contained pieces of his father's sword.

9. Setting a funeral boat on fire and sending it out to sea was a Nordic:
C. Tradition

10. How did Sigurd die?
B. He was stabbed by a crazed man.

11. What could Sigurd do after drinking dragon's blood that he couldn't do before
A. Understand birds.

12. Which Paragraph describes the creation of Gramm?
A. Paragraph 3

Monday 21 October 2019

Friday 18 October 2019

Thursday 17 October 2019

Essay Brainstorming

  •  People get allergic to chlorine
  • Waste of money because people go to the supermarket to go buy bottled water instead of drinking from the tap
  • People could get sick from it
  • People have sensitive skin

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Drinking Ads

How are people represented in this N.Z anti - drinking adverts?

Males are mostly presented in these ads more than women because they like to do childish stuff, go out with the boys in the weekends and etc.... And sometimes they don't really becareful on how they drink and act around people

Wednesday 31 July 2019

Workshop 4: Colour

What types of colours are used in this location?

1. District 12 - Beginning
- Grey
- Brown
- Green
- White
- Nature Palette

2. The Capitol
- Bright
- Cyan
- Pinks
- Silver
- White
- Grey - Environment
- Metallic Palette

3. The Control Room
- Cyan
- Blue
- White
- Black
- Hologram
- Clinical Palette

How do the different color palettes change the feel of the color?

1. District 12
- Dark
- Old 
- Gloomy

2. The capitol
- Crowded
- Futuristic
- Luxurious

3. Control Room
- Technological
- Crisp
- Clean

Why has the director used these colors?

1. District 12
- Life is hard
- Poor
- Struggle

2. Capitol
- Life is easy
- Rich
- Access to everything

3. Control Room
- These are professionals

* Power - Struggle
* Rich vs Poor
* Hope & Rebellion


Color is used effectively to create an atmosphere. We see this in the two scenes - District 12 at the beginning and the Capitol as Katniss and Peeta arrive. In District 12 we see a natural palette of browns, greys, and greens whereas is the Capitol people wear bright colors and a metallic palette of greys, silvers, and white is used. This makes us understand that things in District 12 are dark, old, and gloomy whilst living in the Capitol easy, crowded, and futuristic. The director did this to show the imbalance of Rich vs Poor. This shows life is hard and people are poor in the districts, but in the Capitol life is easy.

Friday 26 July 2019


Explain the purpose of the activity
The purpose of this activity is to learn about aboriginals art and the meanings of it.

Explain the story on your boomerangs, including the meaning of the colors. 
The dots on my on the black surface of the boomerang represents the ancestors from the beautiful country of Africa. And the patterns in the middle represent the pacific culture. And on the back its a plain white with different colors splattered all over it that represents different cultures. 

What went well when painting your boomerang.
Everything went well during painting.

Here is a photo of my boomerang:

Wednesday 24 July 2019


Track #1
Photos slides

Track #2

Japanese rythm
Going on a journey

Track #3

When Ru dies in the Hunger Games

Track #4

Song 1


Song 2

Going on a cruise at night typa vibes

Tempo - Speed
Faster - upbeat, more energy
Slower - sad, sombre

Major - bright, happy
Minor - sinister, sad

Dynamics - Volume
Louder - energy, emotion
Quiter - Subtle, focus

- realism
- suspense - what's going to happen
makes us focus - looking for other clues

Music during Propaganda film
- medium tempo
- minor - scary, energy
- subtle - doesn't distract from the story

- when we meet Peeta
- sorry for him
- isolated from others
- maybe victory (horns)
- Tempo starts slow but increases
- Predominantly minor - sinister

Atmosphere - how you feel the mood in a surrounding

Music and silence are used effectively to create a foreboding (evil) atmosphere in the Reaping scene. In the Reaping scene, the tributes from District 12 are selected and we see Katniss volunteer as a tribute for her sister. The male tribute selected was Peeta. Silence is used when Effie draws out and reads the tributes names to make us feel like the moment is real to make us focus and draw out the suspense. The director has done this to make the audience feel worried about who will be chosen. Musc has used to introduce the audience to Peeta when his name is drawn The music is predominantly minor and has a slow tempo which makes us feel sad and worried like Peeta. this is combined with close - up shots of Peeta's worried facial expressions to draw the viewer in.


1. Reaping Scene - District 12 
Girls hair is braided
Boys hair-cut short
Girls dressed in skirts and skirts
Boys dressed in trousers and shirts with round neck t-shirt underneath.
Simple clothing 
All equal recognize the district 
Hard & Poor  (Poor, Sad, Hard lives)
Atmosphere - Scared of being reaped, tension, sorry for them.
2. Capital
Bright colors
Different type of hairstyles
Exaggerated, over the top
Excessive makeup on men and women
Use of headpieces
Advanced technology 
Better style
Good quality
Costumes made to be worn once and thrown away. 
Easy & Wealthy (They have everything the tributes don't, easy-going, not stressed, a**sholes, arrogant)

3. Beginning of Area          
Hiking boots
All look the same         


  • Bright dress (Pinkish)
  • Bright make up
  • Caked face
  • Pink lips
  • Long eyelashes
  • Afro

* Hope and Rebellion
*Rich vs Poor
*Struggle for Power (Katniss & Snow)

                                                                 Rich vs Poor
In the reaping scene, the costume is used effectively to show the imbalance between the rich and poor of Panam. For instance, the children of district 12 all look alike in dull, simple and overworn clothing. In contrast, Effie Trinket wearing bright colors, a large wig, and headpiece and excessive makeup. This makes the audience feel sorry for the people of district 12 because Effie is a symbol of the wealth in the capital. we see that not everyone lives in poverty. The director did this to show the hard life of those in Katniss's home district. Coinciding with Effie's behavior. She is loud, happy and confident while the people of the district are quiet and scared. This can be juxtaposed to the scene where Katniss and Peeta arrive in the Capital. In this scene, everyone else is rich and clean and they are the different ones.

Friday 5 July 2019

Understanding the importance of setting to a film

Hunger Games:

What was life like for people then?
District 12 was one of the poorest and smallest district out of all districts. District 12 main industry is coal mining, the mines were closed after the second rebellion and their main industry started making medicines. District 12 is located in Appalachia next to the wild forests, it was really hard for them to find food to eat.

 - Over the shoulder ( Brings the audience into the conversation)
 - High angle ( The subject is important/ has power
- Extreme wide shot ----> gives perspective and size.
- Everyone is looking up at President Snow
- Body language and gestures
- Tribute has seen as weak and vulnerable at his feet, also below the citizens


SEXXXY Paragraph practice.

In 'The Hunger Games' camera shots and angles are used effectively to show the theme of power. We see this when President Snow is addressing the crowds at the Tribute parade. In this scene, the director uses a low angle, over the shoulder extreme wide shot to show that snow has the power over everyone. The purpose of this is to introduce the antagonist character and show the power and control he has over others, including Katniss. Coinciding with this in the use of lighting focusing on the tributes and Snow to show that they are the most important figures in the scene. This can be juxtaposed to when the tributes, Katniss & Peeta, reclaim power from Snow in the arena by threatening to eat the nightlock berries and robbing Snow of his Victor.

2nd photo

- Low angle ( shows she is important, why? she just volunteered as tribute, the 1st volunteer in District 12)
- Dutch tilt ( dramatic perspective, something is not right)
- Mid shot ( not intimate for the viewer, we feel like we are watching it happen)
- Costume - compare Effie with D12 - rich vs poor.

Wednesday 26 June 2019

The hunger Games - Camera Angles & etc

  • Crowd clapping
  • People talking
  • Nature 
  • No music
  • Singing
  • Sad to Emotional
Camera Angles
  • Landscape 
  • Over the shoulder
  • Close-up
  • Tracking shot
  • Shaky camera
  • Low angle
  • High angle
  • Birdseye view
  • Mid-close-up
  • Dutch Tilt
  • Extreme wide angle shot
  • Faded 
  • Washed out
  • Colorful 
  • Whites & Blues
  • Patchy clothing
  • Faded clothing
  • Not very wealthy clothing
  • Dull 
  • Poor district 
  • Run down district
  • May the odds ever be in your favor. 
  • Embrace the probability of your imminent death.
The first time we have seen the badge was when she went to the market to do some trades.
The second we have seen the badge was when she gave it to her sister to remind her that whatever she does shed have Good luck.
Effie is one of the reapers who go into district 12 and chooses a girl and a boy to participate in the hunger games Effie makes district 12 looks poor of the way she dresses up because of her makeup and her bright, big and colorful clothes whereas in district 12 they have torn, dirty and color faded clothes.
When prim get's called out for the hunger games she tucks her shirt in to show that she's grown up. 
When Primrose got chosen to go for the hunger games Katniss volunteered as tribute.
We see this extravagant through the color.
The girl on Fire (Katniss Everdeen)
The differences between District 12 and the capital is the way that they're living for e.g flash houses to stay technologies are different from district 12
High Shot angles make people look weak and vulnerable from the bottom.
Close up & Over the shoulder conversations.
Sinner put Mockingjay on Katniss Jacket as she goes up to the Hunger Games.

Wednesday 5 June 2019

Next step for writing my Essay

My next step for writing my essay is:

  • I have my PEEL Basics, next is to expand them to include more detail.
  • Expand my introduction.
  • Include a conclusion.
My Goals that I am setting is:
Try to put more time into it and include more detail so the reader knows what I'm talking about.

Thursday 23 May 2019

Migrate from London to New Zealand

Hi, my name is Mary. I am a single mom with 2 kids. I live in Bethnal Green, London. I am planning to migrate to New Zealand because London is too crowded and things are really expensive here. I also want to move to New Zealand because I have family over in New Zealand and I want to find a better job so that i can support me and my family to have a bright and better future. And once I visited NZ is when I was a bit younger and I remembered the beautiful site of NZ, I remembered the nice art in the city and the beautiful houses I've seen. 

So 2 months later I got our visa done and paid for our fares for the boat, the boat was very big and old, and looked very unhygienic. The trip took almost 4 months to reach NZ, the trip was alright but the one thing I was worried about is hoping that we wouldn't crash on the way to NZ. Every night I prayed to God hoping that we would reach there safely. 

4 months later..... 
We reached NZ the ride was a little bumpy now and then but that good thing is we reached here safely. We got off the boat our ride and everything was arranged so we could go to our brand new home. 2 months later
Everything is settled I have a good and better job, my 2 kids are going to a nice private school and life is good out here is good.

Tuesday 14 May 2019

Englsih - Paragraph Examples.

Adverb Sentence.

  1. Curiously
  2. Quickly
  3. Rapidly
  4. Often
  5. Technically
  6. Firstly
  7. Lastly
  8. Remarkably
  9. Similarly
  10. Significantly
  11. Readily
  12. Lastly
  13. Firstly
  14. Interestingly
Sentence Example:
*Comma goes after the adverb 
E.g Surprisingly, Mrs. Handley was on time to class.

Surprisingly, I came early to school for once.
Quickly, finish your work before the bell rings.

Begin with a Preposition.
Prepositions are little words that indicate movement or position.
  1. Against
  2. Under
  3. Above
  4. In
  5. At
  6. Throughout
  7. Behind
  8. Within
  9. Near
  10. For
  11. About
  12. Between
  13. Over
  14. Beyond
E.g Over the Holidays, I stayed home most of the time.
In the morning, I had some breakfast before I came to school.

Basic Body Paragraph

Point --> State the point at the beginning of the paragraph you wish to make
Evidence --> 2-3 sentences that give evidence to your point.
Explain --> 3-4 sentences that explain your evidence or relation to your point/question.
Link --> Back to your point - 1-2 sentence to the next paragraph- 1 sentence. 

Point 1: Everyone knows it's better to read the book than watch the movie.

Evidence: For example, the movie made of Wonder is very different from the book. It leaves out lots of information. In the book that the main teacher is a female but in the movie they are male. Also, the camp incident missed out the info about Auggies hearing aide.

Explain: This incident made more sense in the book because he was bullied for having his 'Lobo ears' which made him look different. It didn't make sense to bully him in the movie without them.

Link: For these reasons, the book was clearly better than the movie. However, you can enjoy the movie without reading the book.

  1. Committed
  2. Undaunted
  3. Determined
  4. Forced
  5. Gifted
  6. Blighted
  7. Thrilled
  8. Bewildered
  9. Delighted
  10. Blessed
  11. Overpowered
  12. Drafted
  13. Surprised
  14. Foreshadowed
  15. Concerned
E.g Thrilled by the score, the coach shouted us all Maccas.
Concerned, I couldn't play a netball game today because I forgot my shoes at home.


  1. Who

  2. While
  3. Whilst

  4. When
  5. Where

  6. What
  7. Whereas

E.g Whereas Liz played netball, I played hockey
While I walking to school, I listened to some music.
When I reached home, dinner was prepared.

School Uniforms are a waste of money.
It is a waste of money, Whereas a school kilt costs about $300 hundred but from a warehouse, you could get a pair of jeans for about $15 to $20 and some families can't afford school uniform which makes it hard for kids to get an education. 
It is a waste of money, because instead of using it on uniform they could use it for bills, food, and other important stuff that their is in need of

Quickly, I ate my breakfast before I left for school.
Before the game started, I had to do some stretched.
The ED start:
Determined to win the game, we had to get one more shot in the hoop.

While I was walking to school, I listened to some music.


  1. Deciding

  2. Speaking
  3. Seeing
  4. Grasping
  5. Rising
  6. Looking
  7. Holding
  8. Emerging
  9. Taking
  10. Signalling
  11. Analysing
E.g Talking about military successes, one must include Alexander the Great.

Deciding to play for a netball team , I had to turn up to every training.
Talking to Taianu while doing a test, I got in trouble.


  1. On a scale of 1-10 rate yourself on how well you participated in the previous lesson 1 being not at all. 10 being all the time? 9
  2. Why did you rate yourself the way you did? Because I participated in most of the activities.
  3. What do you think you do well? Passing the ball.
  4. What skill did you use to accomplish passing and dribbling? Controlling the ball well.
  5. What do you think you need to improve upon for the next week? What strategies will you use? Dribbling the ball more.

Wednesday 10 April 2019

Tuesday 2 April 2019


  1. Why do some people bully? Because they think it's cool to bully but it's really not.
  2. Why are some people more likely to be bullied? Because of their religion, race, sexuality, looks or being disabled.
  3. Why is bullying Harmful? Because bullying can lead to suicide or people cutting themselves and being depressed.
  4. What can you do if you are being bullied? Go to your parents and tell them and talk about it with them or you could tell your teacher if you are being bullied at school.
  5. What can you do if someone else is being bullied? Don't be a bystander and help the person or stand up for the person that's being bullied. 

Thursday 28 March 2019

Child Labour

There are 21 million children in the world that are between 5 and 17 years are in employment; 152 million are victims of child labor. Almost half of them, 73 million, work in hazardous child labor is most prevalent among the 15-17 year old. Boys appear to face a greater risk of child labor than girls. They do not go to school or have little time to play, Many do not receive proper nutrition or care. Child labor refers to the exploitation of children through any form of work that deprives children of their childhood interferes with their ability to attend regular school, and is mentally, physically or socially or morally harmful.
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Friday 1 March 2019

Camilla Cabello

What was the name of the song?
Havana (Cover)

Who was performing?
Camilla Cabello, Jimmy Fallon, and the Roots.

What instruments are being used?
Keyboard, Xylophone, Hand drums, Shakers, Ukulele.

What do you find interesting about this piece?
What I find interesting in the video is the instruments that they used to make the beat of the song.

Monday 25 February 2019

The Slave Trade Triangle

This is the Slave Trade Triangle where people trade guns, drinks, tobacco, and cloth. So how this works is they travel from Africa to the Caribbeans then back to Africa, and they just do the same thing over and over again.

Friday 15 February 2019

Critical Questing Matrix

Lift Plus: 

-Who is allowed to speak?
The 3 boys that was sitting on the couch accept for the girl that was walking up and down in the background behind the boys.
-What does the author wants us to know?
That if you drink Lift Plus you will be able to think smarter and sharper about things you do.
-What genre does this belong to?
-What is the text about? How do we know?
The text is about a guy who gets fooled by his 2 friends that asked him to play a game with one of them by seeing who can hit each others head harder then the other while his other friend sits behind him and and whacks the spoon really hard on his head and make him think that hes actually hitting his head hard but its his other friend behind him that's actually doing it.


-Who benefits from this text?
The Boy who stopped George from drinking and driving.
-What kind of language is used in this text?
Good English.
-What is the text about? How do we know?
Its about a boy who didn't want George to drink and drive otherwise he would've gone into an accident otherwise he would have to live with George's family which he didn't want to and he didn't want to look dumb in front of Monic too.

The Hare and The Tortoise.

Why are you reading this text?
I am reading this text because the title made me want to read the story and it was interesting.

What genre does this text belong to?

What does the author want us to know?
The author want us to know that no matter how fast you are never be cocky.


  1. What do you think Critical Literacy is? Is when you consider when and how the text was made. 
  2. What did you learn during Critical Literacy? A lot of new words and different meaning to them. 
  3. What did you find challenging during Critical Literacy? The one thing that I found challenging in Critical Literacy the most is answering the four questions that we had to ask about the ads, short stories and the music video and thinking of what to write down and sometimes you're not to sure if you're correct or incorrect.
  4. How will you use Critical Literacy? Ask how and why a text was made in the future...
  5. What are you looking forward to in English this year? Writing in books 

Performing Arts- Dance

Parris Goebel

 Parris Reene Goebel, also known professionally as Parri$, is a New Zealand- born choreographer, dancer, singer, director and actress. her dance the crew The Royal Family has won the World Hip Hop Dance Championship three times. She grew up in Manurewa, Auckland. She was interested in dance from a young age and started hip-hop lessons when she was 10 years old. When she was 15, she started the dance group ReQuest with four female friends. Initially they practiced in Goebel's aunt's garage and later at her fathers warehouse. After a year working together, they went to the Monsters Of Hip Hop Convention in the United States and Goebel was selected to dance in the finale performance of the convention. Following the convention, goebel left Auckland Girl's Grammar School to concentrate on her dancing.

  Image result for parris goebel

The Royal Family


Gochoreography is the art or practice of designing sequences of movement of physical bodies in which motion, form, or both are specified. Choreography may also refer to the design itself. a choreography is one who creates choreographies by practicing the art of choreography, a process known as choreographing.

Thursday 14 February 2019

Types Of Performances

Perfomance Arts: 
A nontraditional art form often with political or topic themes that typically features a live presentation to an audience or onlookers(as on a street) and draws on such arts as acting, poetry, music, dance or painting.

Wednesday 13 February 2019


-What kind of language is used in the text? 
Short sentences, Broken English.
-What is the text about, how do you know? 
The text is about a girl who kills butterflies because the butterflies likes to eat cabbages that they plant in their garden.
-What does the author want us to know? 
That butterflies eat part of their plants from the cabbages even though they are harmless to people.
-How are characters constructed in the text?

-What kind of social realities does the text portray?

Friday 8 February 2019

Crash Course In Critical Literacy

  1. What makes this video convincing? The actors make it look real but it's actually fake news.
  2. Who published this video? A YouTube channel called the onion who posts up fake news and try to make people think that it's real.
  3. How are teenagers portrayed in this clip? that it's dangerous to be on social media 24/7.
  4. Why has the director cast them this way? To make it a bit entertaining & believable.
  5. In whose interest is this text? The parents & the teenagers so they think that we wouldn't end up like the girl in the video.
  6. Who is real in this text? The Doctor.

Crash Course In Literacy

  1. What aspects of stories was Andrea interested in?  Hidden Messages
  2. What did the  Ad imply with the big Diamond Ring? If the husband didn't get a  Diamond Ring for the wife that meant that he didn't love her.
  3. What is subtext? Subliminal messages.
  4. With CL can each student have their own answer? Yes.
  5. What does Andrea compare CL to? Wonder Woman's Lasso Of Truth.
  6. How can CL be applied to your outside of school? Use it to decide social media, video games, movies and etc...

Critical Literacy Vocabulary

A list of items to be discussed at a formal meeting.

Someone who is an authority on something knows a lot about it.

Inclination or prejudice for or against one person or group, especially in a way considered to be unfair.

Able to be believed.

To influence or control people or events.

A particular attitude towards or way of regarding something.

A person or thing that can be trusted to do what you want.

The person, place or thing that something comes from.