
Monday 16 March 2020

Creative Writing 1.4

                 My Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Recap from 8 years ago, I was in a healthy happy relationship until one night me and Rebecca (my ex) went out to one of my friend’s 18th birthday parties. Everyone was having fun and enjoying themselves until I had too much to drink and couldn’t control myself. Then I ran into this random girl at the party and I kissed her I didn’t know what I was doing until one of our friends saw me kissing the random girl so she zoomed off to go tell Rebecca what happened. After a minute or two, Rebecca came up to me and asked if I kissed the random girl but I denied it. After she asked me we both went home together and went to bed. 

The next morning I was hoping she was going to forget about what happened last night but she wouldn’t stop she kept on asking me over and over again until I got sick of it and told her we should just break up, but she said “NO, I DON’T WANT TO BREAK UP WITH YOU” in a very aggressive way after she yelled at me I thought to myself saying I felt like she had a different personality because I’ve never heard her yell at me or talk to me this way. After a while, she wanted to have a serious conversation about our relationship and what we could do to fix this relationship, so she came up with some ideas and said she wanted me to stop talking to girls and hanging out with them and I wasn’t allowed to go out to places unless she was by my side 24/7 but I didn’t like the idea of that. So I told her I didn’t like that and I asked why she wants me to only have friends that are boys and not girls, and she replied with because “YOU’RE ONLY MINE AND NO ONE ELSE’S!!!!” when she yelled she was as loud as a barking dog, and at that time I thought she was a bit crazy, to be honest. So I just left things off from there and made my breakfast while she went off to work. 

The next day before she left for work she told me I couldn’t invite anyone over not even my parents and at first, I didn’t think of it as anything. So she went through the front door to leave for work then I heard about 3 or 5 locks locking on the door coming from outside so I ran up to the door and looked through the side window there were 5 locks on the door, then I ran to check all the windows and it was all boarded up. I got so worried, I was trying to look everywhere for my phone so I could get a hold of my Rebecca or someone that I knew but my phone was nowhere to be found. So I just waited for Rebecca to come home so I could ask her where my phone was, why the wifi wires were cut off and why are the windows are blocked off. 

So in the evening about 6 pm it was getting dark outside then, I heard Rebecca’s car coming up the driveway her car is small but it’s as loud as the engine of a tractor. Then I sat patiently on the couch waiting for Rebecca to walk through the door. As soon as she walked through the door I stood up and started asking her all these questions, like “why the internet was cut off, why the windows were blocked off and why so many locks on the door” but she just stood there and stared at me for a solid 30 seconds and said, “because you’re not allowed to talk, look or think about anyone but me, I come first not your family, not your friends only ME!” after she told me that I told her that we’re going to break up so I started packing my clothes into my bag then she tried to stop me she told me not leave her so I shoved her out of my way and was walking towards the door she then grabbed my hand and told me “DONT LEAVE ME OR YOU’RE GOING TO REGRET IT” I told her to let go of me so I could leave, she then let go of me and I walked out the door onto the driveway. As I was walking down the driveway I heard the backdoor close, I ignore because I thought she was just locking up when I reached the end of the driveway I looked back and I saw Rebecca holding an ax so I panicked, dropped my bags and ran down the street while I was running down the street I looked behind me and Rebecca was there again I heard her yelling out “YOU CAN’T RUN AWAY FROM ME JOHN” so I quickly hid around the corner behind the bush for a while then suddenly I heard loud, heavy footsteps and I could hear her ax swinging back and forth so I popped out the bush and she tried swinging her ax at me so I swung at her, then while she was on the ground I was booting her head in and then I grabbed Rebecca and her ax while she was knocked out, then I drove somewhere in the middle of the woods and buried her alive.

Three months later I started to get my life back together and I found a new girlfriend that’s actually not crazy hopefully and moved on with my life.

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